blog article from
Thrifty Decor Chick really got me thinking tonight. For the past couple weeks this topic has been weighing on my mind, probably because of Christmas somehow turning into more of a ritual for bringing more junk into the house and less on celebrating the birth of our Savior (I'm sure we can all relate to that).
My house is small - 2 bed, 1 bath 1200 sqft, plus another 500 sqft in the basement to store more junk - and I feel like its overwhelmingly stuffed. For years I've collected things here and there that I like trying to get a feel for my 'style' while trying to keep my husbands 'style' in mind, and what I've ended up with is a bunch of things that don't really relate and are simply taking up space. There's no real style here, and it doesn't look anything like I want it to. So, naturally, things I really love and want to keep, like beautiful china I inherited stay packed away in a box because there's no where to put it. What remains is just stuff. This is one of the major reason's why everyone needs a design plan for each room of their house. Our
e-design packages start at only $99 per room which is an amazing deal if anyone needs a little help, but that's not what this post is about.
Lori and I have put a lot of thought into our business goals for this year, and one of the things we really want to focus on is taking our homes back to basics and making them beautiful and functional and helping our followers and clients do the same. We really believe it is possible to have a beautiful home that functions the way you need it to for your family at any stage of life, whether your kids are young or you're entering retirement and hosting the grand kids on a regular basis. This doesn't mean a massive remodel or make over. Most of us can't afford to do that. But what we can do is get rid of the 'things' that are weighing us down physically, mentally, and spiritually. And really, this starts with our homes - our sanctuary's from the world.
Neither one of us loves our homes right now. We have outdated flooring and kitchens and clutter spots that never seem to go away and no room for a home office let alone a craft room, and what do we do with all those toys?! etc, etc And don't say 'I don't have time'. I have a full time job, run a home decor and design business, have a toddler at home, run a household, am putting a feasibility report together for a quality affordable subdivision in Star Valley (which takes an insane amount of time an research), am taking a class on business, am launching my career as a writer and trying to market my first novel, getting ready to launch my second book (an extension of the first one coming in February!), and plan on having my next full novel written, edited, and launched by this summer, and trying to do all this while healing up from a surgery on my arm 8 days ago. I am literally typing this with a splint (the first words I've typed since my surgery). I am BUSY! But I'm making time for this because this is important! It's time for us to start living well. We need to get back to the basics, create a sanctuary for our selves and our families, and get rid of all the stuff, people, attitudes, etc that are preventing us from being truly happy.
This book by Marie Kondo really helps teach how to de-clutter once and for all, and the 'magic' effect that doing so will have on your happiness and well being in every aspect of life. It's about getting rid of things, simplifying, and only keeping or bring in things to your life/home that make you feel joy. Such a simple yet powerful truth!
Our resolution at Inspiration Home this year is to focus on the things we really love, the people that make us happy, and the things in life that lift us up and bring joy to our live's. We invite you all to join us on this endeavor. We will be posting our progress here as well as on
Facebook, and would love to have you guys share your progress as well! Let's make this year not just a great year, but the solid foundation for many years of true wealth and happiness for the future!
~ with love,