Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Fresh Clean Color for A Refreshing New Year

This color couldn't be more perfect for this year! The world needs to simplify and refresh. We need to be aware of how so much over production, over stimulus, stress, and 'stuff' drag us down rather than lift us up, and the impact it has on the environment as well. I talked about cleaning and simplifying our homes and how important that is in this post. Here's another fantastic article from Motherly on the same topic titled "How Getting Rid of Stuff Saved My Motherhood" Read it here. You'll be glad you did. 

Starting fresh first requires getting rid of all the stuff that you don't really want, certainly don't need, don't even use, forgot you even had, garbage that somehow managed to park itself in your house for the past several years, gifts you don't really like but feel guilty getting rid of, clothes you don't wear, 'friends' on social media that don't inspire you, etc, etc..... Take a breath. Just breathe for a second. Enjoy that beautiful calming green that pulls us into beautiful nature....breathe. Ah. That's better. Now that we've got all that 'stuff'' off our chests, don't you feel so much better! I know I do, or I will, once I get rid of all this unnecessary stuff for good. And I will. I can't take it anymore. I need more of this green, this fresh air, this lightness!

We've put together a display of beautiful products in this lovely 'greenery' shade. If you love this color, if your home needs a little refresh, if this brings you joy, stop on in today and let us help you find something lovely for your home. Mention this post and we'll even give you 20% off!

Now go get started! Get rid of stuff! Clear your homes! Clear the air! 
Add some Greenery in your life!


Need a little extra help making your space look amazing?

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